Outer Wilds Wiki

Spoiler Warning! This wiki contains spoilers for the game! The Outer Wilds is a game about exploration and we strongly encourage you to explore on your own first.


Outer Wilds Wiki

Alpha Reorganization


  • Create a new article titled Alpha or else expand Outer Wilds:Alpha to discuss the Alpha release of Outer Wilds
  • If "Alpha" is created, remove "Outer Wilds:Alpha" (this is preferred, since it will make the next step easier)
  • Place all of the Alpha versions of articles as sub-pages (e.g., "Alpha/Timber_Hearth", "Alpha/Zen_Guy", "Alpha/Nomad")
  • Clean up all links in the wiki to go to the correct articles, and provide links from the main article to the Alpha article where appropriate (e.g., "Gabbro" goes to "Alpha/Zen_Guy", "Interloper" goes to "Alpha/Nomad")

Kenosarawa (talk) 02:13, 13 June 2020 (UTC)

Article Title Corrections


  • Fix article titles such that nothing starts with "the" (unless that is part of the proper noun, such as the name of a book)
  • Change article titles to match what they are called directly in the game (for example, the Sky Shutter is called "Hearthian satellite")

Kenosarawa (talk) 02:13, 13 June 2020 (UTC)
